Eight Branches Acupuncture & Daoist Medicine


At Eight branches Acupuncture, we help you rediscover your core vitality. we believe that healing should support the full expression of your unique human spirit.

We specialize in difficult and chronic conditions including cancer, Lyme disease, digestive disorders, hormonal/endocrine conditions, autoimmune conditions, anxiety and mood disorders.


The Eight Branches of Daoist Medicine

Classical Daoist (or Chinese) Medicine (CCM).  Classical Daoist Medicine has been practiced in China for more than 2,000 years.  Its aim is not only to relieve human suffering, but to promote longevity, vitality and inner clarity.  Toward this purpose the ancient Daoist practitioners of China evolved eight primary components of medical treatment, which came to be known as the eight branches of medicine. 

Of these, the focus of the first four branches is healthy lifestyle, with an emphasis on prevention of disease and the ongoing maintenance of body/mind/spirit balance. The focus of the second four branches is on remedial therapy, for when balance has already been lost and healing intervention is needed.

At Eight Branches Acupuncture clinic we will work with you to create your own "Eight Branches Healing Plan," incorporating all eight branches of medicine as appropriate.



Meditation is an essential tool for exploring the mind, reducing stress, and building qi. The focus of meditation is not so much to ‘stop the mind’s chatter,’ but rather to learn how to not be burdened by it.  Meditation allows the qi to flow freely so we can move through our daily activities—no matter how stressful - with greater ease.


Traditionally this branch of medicine referred to Tai Qi, Qi Gong, and exercises associated with the martial arts.  In this clinic, we expand this definition to include all forms of exercise available to us today.  We develop a movement plan tailored to your individual constitution, taking into account your unique needs.  We assess your body type and design a physical regime that will balance hormonal and metabolic systems, preventing and curing disease.




Proper nutrition is essential to our health.  As Hypocrates suggested, “Let thy food be thy medicine.” Different people thrive on different diets.  A proper assessment of your individual constitution and health history is necessary to design a diet tailored specifically for you.

Connection with the natural world

Our medicine is grounded in the principles of Daoist philosophy.  For thousands of years it has been observed that the rhythms and cycles that are apparent in nature are mimicked in the body.  By understanding these cycles and shifting your treatment plan accordingly, your practitioner can help you to stay healthy and strong throughout the changing seasons of the year. We facilitate an ever deepening relationship between you and the natural world of the five elements.




Feng Shui is, put simply, the art of creating a harmonious environment.  We all know how a sink full of dirty dishes can depress our mood, or how an orderly bedroom is sometimes the best cure for insomnia.  Feng shui takes this innate human knowledge a step further.  For example: a person with a sinus condition is likely to have more difficulty overcoming it if they live in a damp basement or climate. By understanding the interactions of climate, season, location, work space and home environment in relationship to the person’s own energetic we can help clients improve their health and well being.


A classical Asian bodywork style that predates acupuncture, “Amma” is the oldest Chinese word to describe massage. Amma is a specialized form of bodywork therapy that combines deep, therapeutic, circular digital pressure and acupressure point stimulation with Chinese medical principles for accessing and treating imbalances in the energy system. This branch of Chinese medicine also includes adjunct therapies such as gua sha, cupping, and moxibustion.



herbal medicine

Cultivating our relationship with plants to assist the body in achieving a state of optimal health and balance.  Chinese Herbal medicine is highly refined, and uses time-tested remedies, many of which have demonstrated their effectiveness over thousands of years.  The herbal remedies we employ at this clinic are gentle, safe, and individualized. Jessika holds a masters degree in Herbal Medicine, and has been practicing the art of herbal prescribing for over 20 years.


The use of very fine, sterile, disposable needles, inserted at specific points to regulate and balance the flow of Qi, relieve pain and assist healing in the body.  For those who feel uncomfortable with needles, we use other methods of stimulating points, such as massage, warming, and application of essential oils. Adjunctive therapies include moxibustion, gua sha, and cupping.
